Transforming Dominant Culture is a live 3-part virtual program for white people who want to engage in racial healing and anti-racism with clarity and resilience.
In order to show up powerfully for social justice and equity, white folks need spaces to learn, grow, heal and process without creating harm or extra labor for people of color.
Doing this work in a courageous and empathetic environment allows us to show up for the greater work of social transformation from a place of increased capacity and true solidarity.

Our approach is threefold
Explore white racial identity and its origins
Identify how our culture perpetuates inequality, exploitation and disconnection
Apply mindfulness-based skills to align our behavior and actions with our values and intentions.

Register Here
Course Schedule: Saturday Saturday March 12, 19, 26
9Am-12Pm PST, 12Pm-3Pm EST
Session 1: Demystifying Racial Identity And The Origins Of Whiteness
Session 2: Dominant Culture, How It Affects Us Today, And Tools For Transformation
Session 3: Sage Activism: Taking Inner Transformation Into Outer (Social) Transformation
Please Be Available To Join Us Live For All Three Sessions. (No Recordings Are Provided At This Time.)
There Is 30-60 Mins Of Pre-Work Per Session.
What People Say About TDC
Emily Citrone
Emily Citrone Coaching
Transforming Dominant Culture is an in-depth, interactive program that takes a necessary look at how our current
culture upholds white supremacy. It provides a safe space to explore how these cultural traits often hold us back
Nicole Yang
Global Analyst, Columbia Sportswear
It is a holistic approach to understanding the personal and cultural dynamics that perpetuate racism, as well as the intersections with other oppressions. The process is revealing and gently guides one through the discomfort
to shed light on a path to overcoming the challenges. It is a journey for the self with a historical and
contemporary backbone offering a brighter vision for the future. A unique and rewarding experience!
Ruby Tidwell
I absolutely recommend this course to white folks with a working knowledge of antiracism and white supremacy culture.
We have inherited a legacy and culture founded in racial inequality.
When we recognize how we've internalized these, we can start interrupting harmful patterns and creating the world we want to live in.

What we offer

​Defuse your fears and triggers so you can show up centered and stable to difficult conversations.

Channel painful and/or blocking emotions (guilt, shame, self-doubt, fear, anxiety, overwhelm) into clarity, confidence and action.

Gain skills to connect with people through empathy and curiosity and build common ground

Take action in ways that are resonant, energizing and sustainable
About Your Facilitators

Tiana Doht
Tiana has directed her passion for equity and justice through her work in non-profits, sustainable agriculture, education, and finally, as a coach. With a M.A. in Communities, Organizations, and Social Change, she is a certified ICF and CTI coach with training in Positive Intelligence and trauma-informed approaches. She identifies as racially white, of British and German ancestry.
Like many, Tiana was catalyzed by the 2020 murders of George Floyd and many others to dive into learning about structural racism in the United States and get into action to help bring system inequality to an end. She created Transforming Dominant Culture as a blend of her coaching expertise, historical background, and cultural analysis into a powerful and empathetic container for other white-identifying people to discover their most powerful entry points into this work.
Kyle Pearce
Kyle has an English / french background and lives in Vancouver, Canada on the traditional territory of the Squamish, Musqueam, and Tsleil Waututh Nations. He operates a consulting firm (think: act consulting) that focuses on improving services and access for marginalized communities and works with community organizations, businesses, and health care system leaders.
Kyle wrote his Masters thesis on the topic of whiteness, back when bell hooks, Toni Morrison and James Baldwin were the few voices calling for white people to explore their own identity. A strong meditation and mindfulness practice and training in coaching, Kyle has worked with Tiana to bring powerful tools to help others who self-identify as white, to deepen our pool of internal resources to help dismantle racism from the inside out.